
Service   =  Sahrudaya Sangeetha Karunya Vedi.
Fathima Rasheed.
‘There is no evidence of misuse of the government grants in this program’ states the report by the House Committee which was set up to enquire into several allegations made against The 'SSKV' Foundation on the mid-day meal program implemented by the non-profit.    

"It's got a Good Heart"

“You never know what your limits are until you push beyond them…” says Elizabeth, one of SSKV's supporters. She recently donated a custom built food van to the Foundation, and speaks of why she chose to donate for the cause.  

"It's been a truly overwhelming experience to visit Sahrudaya Sangeehta Karunya Vedi and know about Your Targets. As an artiste I consider it is my duty to come ahead and do whatever I can in this Targets. 
I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of you on this Targets for your foresight and thus proving it only takes vision and will and the rest follows as God's ways."
 Urmilla Matondkar 
 Bollywood Star

Sahrudaya Sangeetha Karunya Vedi  Support for Government's Mid-day Meal Program.

In 2007,SSKV'S  reached its first target of serving 100 children ahead of schedule. Today, our mission is to serve 5 million school-going underprivileged children across India with freshly cooked mid-day meals by 2020. With this in mind, The SAHRUDAYA SANGEETHA KARUNYA VEDI.

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