About Us

The history of our Charitable Trust.
 starts with a story of compassion.
Looking out of a window one day in Ambattukavu, Aluva. a village near Cochi, His Divine Grace We saw a group of children fighting with street dogs over scraps of food. From this simple, yet heart breaking incident, came the determination that:  No one within a ten mile radius of our center should go hungry.
It is his inspiration which helped us to create The 'Sahrudaya Sangeetha Karunya Vedi' Charitable Trust as it is today. 
We began this initiative with the vision that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.”
In April 2007, we started our 'Mid day meal Programme' in Aluva by feeding 150 children in 1 school of SPWHS. At that time there was no Thaluk run School meal Programme in Aluva. Within a few short weeks we had received hundreds of requests from teachers who expressed the dire need of such a scheme.
This over whelming response was the impetus for the growth of The Sahrudaya Sangeetha Karunya Vedi" Charitable Trust. 
Our Charitable Organization came into existense officially on 22nd April 2007 and that auspicious function was inagurated by our parton, the former chief Justice of Kerala, Justice K.K.USHA. Our goal, could only be achieved with the whole hearted support and self less service rendered by the people who join us. We try to inculcate the attitude "TO SERVE MAN IS TO GOD" in the younger generation. Broad mined people who think beyond the barriers of religion,caste,creed, colour and language can be members of our instruction which is working for a noble cause.
Now we are reaching out to more peoples.
For 4 years, we have been an national charity for  Patients and childrens that has worked to transform a vision into a reality.
We will continue to do so…

Our Life Bloods....


Justice K.K.Usha (Former Cheif Justic of Kerala)


President           : M.Viswanatha Kurup
Vice President    : K.V.Unni krishnan
Secretary           : S.Ashok kumar
Joint Secretary   : P.G.Nalinakshan
Treasurer           : Aswathy Gopi


Hakkeem Muhammed Ashraf
Sudheesh Kalarickal
Sumesh Babu
Krishna Kumar.C.S
Anitha Manmadhan


Medical Advisor   :  Dr. Kadeeja Salm
Legal Advisor      :  Adv.Mohammadali
Auditor               : G.Mohan
Internal Auditior  :  Anil Kumar
Executives          :  Abhaya Kumar

              TEAM For Promoting Music and Dance"

Music is the life and soul of everything we know and do. Without it the world would be either full of silence, or full of gun-fire. Very few people want either of these. In a sense, the donation of musical instruments can prevent this from happening.

Unless a really enthusiastic combatant or veteran, (or arms dealer), war is a burden. A burden to everyone involved; using up time, money and energy which could be used more effectively and efficiently elsewhere.
There is one thing that most people agree on - Music. We all know that music is good for the soul. It helps to keep us going when times are tough. Which is why music is helpful to and for those fighting for their country.

For charities, such as Charity Music, to give away, or shall I say donate Musical instruments allows the minds of our soldiers to think of something other than War and fighting. Some soldiers can and do become very depressed, or get shell-shock among other things. by giving away musical instruments, it is giving soldiers a chance to be something other than a soldier. For many soldiers, homesickness is a common factor. Particularly among the younger soldiers. If they were given an instrument to play, or to learn to play, it can save them from the burden of wishing they were home. Which many of them do.
It would be almost impossible to imagine a life without music. It is a vital ingredient for our existence. Without it, where would we be? Even that is difficult to imagine.
Some say nothing is able to exist forever. And I am happy to state that music certainly has proved otherwise. Perhaps they were relating it to something that breathes air. It is uncertain exactly what they were relating it to. But music has still proved them wrong.
Whether it be from a little bird in a tree at the bottom of the garden. Or whether it be from the compounds of an Army base or barracks - Music shall exist forever. It was around long before our time and will, without a doubt, be around long after our time.
Music keeps us going. Period! It is in our blood stream. How many of us whistle an idle happy tune whilst working or walking down the street. How many of us sing along to our favorite song? This is because, for many people, music is their life. Whether they make it, or whether they listen to it. Either way it is there. It helps us to continue. This is what it is like for our men and woman, young and old, who are out risking their lives, so we can have one.

                                           Address for Donation
                         The Secretary, Sahrudaya Sangeetha Karunya Vedi
                         Ambattukavu, Thaikkattukara P.O, Aluva-683106
                         Mail Id:sahrudaya.skv@gmail.com
              Donation elegible for deduction U/S 80 G of the Income Tax Act.
                   A/c No.67033510381,SBT Thaikkattukara Branch,Aluva

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